Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews

The Heart Mender: A Story of Second Chances by Andy Andrews was an experience. The author opens by answering some questions about the book. Namely, is the story true? The author explains that it is "for the most part." After reading the book, my first thought was the following: If my teachers had presented the history lessons in the way the information was presented in this book, I would know much more about history! I learned a lot about our countries history in relation to World War II. Though it was told in the context of a heart warming love story and tale of forgiveness, it was educational as well. The story begins with questions and a tragedy; travels through roads of suspense, adventure, love, and reconciliation; and ends where all true stories should. While I learned about history, I also learned about the power of faith and forgiveness in our lives. The characters in the book were real but inspiring. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a student of people and relationships. I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Another Support for My Habit

I am excited to say that my friend Patricia found another company that provides readers with free copies of books in exchange for a review of the book. I have joined this group too and will review for them!

I Review For The Tyndale Blog Network

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster

The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster is an in depth examination of pilgrimage. The author addresses the historical significance of pilgrimage in relation to several religions including Christianity. The primary focus is on its role in the life of today's Christian. Chapters cover why pilgrimage is an ancient practice and how it became important and an influential factor. Common fears, misconceptions, and criticisms of the practice are presented as well. I was both challenged and overwhelmed by the concepts in this book. The author asserts that many Christians downplay the significance of movement in Jesus' life. Paying attention to this movement can aid in greater understanding and participation in your life as well as a closer relationship to God. I have been exposed to metaphorical ideas of pilgrimage previously, but this book forced me to consider what role in my life an actual physical pilgrimage could play. I believe reading the other books in The Ancient Practices Series would better prepare the reader for the issues presented in this book as pilgrimage involves great faith and courage. Personally, I have been inspired to be more than a tourist in my life and to altar my perspective of my journey on earth. I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Friday, March 19, 2010

New Adventure

I recently learned about from a friend. This is a website where you can obtain books for simply providing a review in a blog. So, to help support my reading habit I joined. I will soon add reviews of books which I have read.

I review for BookSneeze